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Many of the genetically modified food will be safe. I am sure. Will most of them be safe? Nobody knows. - Jeremy Rifkin

Genetically Modified Foods: Image


The advanced in the technologies have driven people to explore more in food generations and productions that benefits and fulfils the needs of every people which led to the introduction of genetically modified food (GMF). The GMF from the WHO (2015) definition is described as the foods derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally, e.g. through the introduction of a gene from a different organism. The available GMF is derived from an animal to plants and vice versa, from microorganism to plant and from animal to animal.


Genetically Modified Foods: About


The introduction of GMFs led to many pros and cons that concern the public. Genetically, the original genes of the food have been altered, thus the people consuming the food that had lost its purity. As the genes are altered either added, depleted, duplicated, substituted, the food may be harmful to human consumption as a result of gene pollution. Plus, the gene pollution may lead to the derivation of new emerging diseases and man-made illness. The already existed diseases are burdensome and now with this man-made illness? Apart from that, some people are bound to the religious beliefs that restricted the consumption of certain foods under certain criteria. No matter how good the food is produced, the trust and faith towards the religion prohibited them to consume these so-called foods. All these rising issues made the GMFs are not fully accepted by some people.

Genetically Modified Foods: Text


However, GMFs also bring many advantages that benefit the whole nations. With the genes of the food altered, the increased yield of the crops can be obtained in a short period of time, thus increasing the production that can tackle the food security dimension (food availability). Apart from that, the GMFs appear brighter and tastier. The desired genes produce tastier food compared to the natural one. For example, GMF tomatoes and strawberry are bigger in size, brightly red colored and the flesh is less sour. The desired traits of the organism can also be obtained. For example, breeding goat or cow with more milk and meat production. Since the GMFs are done in-vitro, thus less pesticide, herbicides or insecticides is used. The genetically modified crops are more resistant to insects and pests, thus the worry of being destroyed by them will not be a problem. The GMFs especially the crops are stronger as they can withstand the extreme fluctuation of the weathers. Even the organisms are more resistance to any disease and infection and at the same time reduce the cost care of the organisms.

Genetically Modified Foods: Text
Genetically Modified Foods: Pro Gallery

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