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There are people in the world so hungry that the God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread - Mahatma Ghandi

World Hunger: Welcome


In today’s class, we have been covering the world hunger issue. Based on National Research Council 2006, world hunger is defined as the hunger accumulated to the global level. Food insecurity and malnutrition are two characteristics that are required to define world hunger. Food insecurity refers to limited or unreliable access to foods that are safe and nutritionally adequate. The focus of world hunger is under nutrition; protein energy malnutrition (PEM) resulting in marasmus and kwashiorkor condition.

World Hunger: About


Hunger is accumulated in the part of the world and mostly affect people from the lower-middle-income region. Children specifically are the most vulnerable population affected. UNICEF, WHO and The World Bank 2018 reported that the undernutrition among the children covers stunting, wasting, vitamin A and iron deficiency and fetal growth restriction that results in 3·1 million child deaths annually or 45 % of all child deaths in 2011.
More regarding the world hunger, poverty and statistic, click on the headlines below.

World Hunger: About



World Food Day

16th October

World Food Day is celebrated on 16 October yearly to commemorate the formation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945. Many organizations join hand in the celebration that concerned with the food security the World Food Programs and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. World Food Day encourages universal wakefulness and action for those who suffer from hunger plus ensure a healthy diet for all.

World Hunger: Services


As a part of the community surround by hunger, we have been given a task by our lecturer; The Hunger Box Project. In this projects, all of us (classmates) were asked to bring any food especially dry food during the class. Some of them brought instant noodle, bread, canned-fish, pasta, snacks, instants soup and etc. The collected foods from the classmates were then placed in a special box, the hunger box. We were asked to distribute the food to those who are in need.

Clothing Store
World Hunger: Opening Hours


World Hunger: Image


24th September 2019

On 24th of September 2019, my friends (‘Alya and Fatin) and I went to pasar malam at Gong Badak around 6 pm. It was a gloomy and a cloudy day. As soon as we arrived, the rain pours heavily. We just did not expect it to rain (like seriously hahahhh). We were suffocating around the crowds with a plastic bag of food looking for the people to give it to. The rain was no joke you know, I took out extra plastic bags from my pocket. We used it to cover ourselves from the rain.


At the end of the few last stalls, we met this one Pakcik sitting while cupping his hands with a box on it. Meanwhile, his daughter (I guessed) holding an umbrella to protect themselves from the rain. Based on my assumption, the Pakcik was blind (I’m not sure huhuu). ‘Alya and Fatin approached those two and hand in the plastic bags of food while me recording the video and photo. His daughter was so grateful for the donation.


It was such a wonderful day helping each other in need. We could not give much, at least a little bit from us means a lot to them.


P/S: We got home soaking wet hahahh!

World Hunger: Text

Just a short and a quick video. Could not get a decent one due the weather and the crowds huhuu.

World Hunger: Video
WhatsApp Image 2019-09-24 at

Everyone is smile so bright. Credit to me (the almost got pushed by the crowds photographer)

World Hunger: Image

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